Officer "Board" Night
On Friday February 10th, we had our first officer bonding night of the semester! It's a tradition as an officer board to do some type of bonding, and I found the idea online for us to do a Board Night! Very fitting name, since it was the officer "board"! What was especially fun, was Angela and her mom designed our super cute charcuterie boards for us. Each person got to pick their own board, and we all got together and feasted! As an officer board, we're always working hard planning to make the semester filled with awesome events, and it's much needed to just take a break and sit back and enjoy the sisterhood we're all fostering with each other.

"Traditionally, when our officers all meet they are there to discuss Beta Omega business, so these strictly social activities are planned to give us a chance to hangout just as sisters. Everyone brought their own boards, from traditional charcuterie to McDonald's boards."
-Meredith Taggart