
Contact Us!

Please feel free to reach out to any of us at any point in time if you have any questions.
The email addresses for all officers are below.

President: aoetamu.president@gmail.com

Vice President Internal: aoetamu.vp@gmail.com

Vice President External: aoetamu.vpexternal@gmail.com

Membership Educator: aoetamu.membership@gmail.com

Treasurer: aoetamu.treasurer@gmail.com

Secretary: tamuaoe@gmail.com

Director of Professional Development: aoetamu.pd@gmail.com

Director of Internal Chapter Relations: aoetamu.icr@gmail.com

Director of Merchandise: aoetamu.pr@gmail.com

Director of Sisterhood: aoetamu.sisterhood@gmail.com

Director of Fundraising: aoetamu.fundraising@gmail.com

Director of Philanthropy: aoetamu.philanthropy@gmail.com

Director of Social Media: aoetamu.webmaster@gmail.com

Director of Technology: aoetamu.technology@gmail.com